The Aaron Redd Foundation responds to the call to help our Vets
In 2018, the Foundation hosted it's second annual CG Classic Golf Tournament. With the generous support of our sponsors and a spectacular day of golf, we were able to gift the Fisher House at Camp Lejeune with a check in the amount of $5000. Their facility was in a state of disrepair and we knew this donation would go a long way to help many of our heroes.
Our second tournament was a huge success! Filled the course again and the beautiful weather only added to the perfect day!
Small World.
At a defense industry conference, the president of the Foundation had the opportunity to speak with USMC Commandant Neller for just a moment. You see, only a few months before she had heard the Commandant speak at the Stafford County Dedication of their fallen heroes memorial and wanted to commend him on his remarks. Fast forward to planning for the 2018 CG Classic and the Charity of Choice being Fisher House Camp Lejeune. She and the planning committee thought it would be a wonderful gesture to have the United States Marine Corp represented at our event and reached out to the Commandant's office for assistance. Well, we were honored when Colonel Jason Julian, Chief of Readiness Programs and Sergeant Major Shawn Isaacson, Marine and Family Programs, joined us to kick off the tournament with a few words on brotherhood, respect, and honor.
Full disclosure. The check to Fisher House was not affiliated with the USMC.